We know you’re fans of our line of MS Cold Drip Coffee Concentrate, but have you ever wondered about the process that goes behind creating it? Our Coffee Concentrate uses quality ingredients and a dedicated production process that guarantees a high caliber product every time.
We create our concentrate using Specialty-grade beans; once ground, the coffee beans steep in water for 24 hours, without heat, and then filtered. This slow brew process accounts for the robust flavor, high caffeine content and less acidity of our product which allows for a delicious cup of coffee anytime, anywhere!
Once our base cold drip concentrate is complete, we bottle a portion for our Original MS Cold Drip Coffee Concentrate; the rest we portion out and infuse with flavors and extracts, no sugar or artificial sweetener, to create the rest of our varied catalog. The resulting concentrates contain a hint of flavor that can be further brought out by adding milk-cold or steamed-to the coffee. Your choice of sweetener can also add a richer flavor; our top recommendation is, of course, to add a splash of the MS Cold Drip “Ray Au Lait” sweetener; can’t get better than that!

Slow Brewed for Smooth Sippin'!